Won’t You Be My Neighbor?


Wednesday, March 20th,  is “Won’t You Be My Neighbor Day”.

The day marks the 96th birth anniversary of the late Fred Rogers of Mr. Rogers Neighborhood.

The children’s series ran on PBS Television for over 30 years.     Rogers died in 2003.

“Be My Neighbor Day” celebrates his legacy and promotes respect and kindness which are two of the attributes that Rogers demonstrated to his viewers on virtually every episode.

Rogers wrote almost all of the music for the show as he had a bachelor’s degree in music and started playing piano at age 5.

Rogers’ footprint on public tv continues with a spin-off show starring Daniel Tiger, a character from Rogers fictional kingdom known as the “The Neighborhood of Make Believe.”

Daniel was a puppet on the Mr. Rogers show, but is now an animated cartoon.

Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood can be seen on Vincennes PBS.

Listen for special announcements about “Won’t You Be My Neighbor Day” throughout the day on Wednesday on Blazer 91.1 WVUB.