Nationally recognized critic, Nell Minow The Movie Mom reviews movies to give a parent’s eye on media, culture and values. She gives each movie a grade and a suggestion for what age group you can bring to the movie.  Nell’s website is

Movie Mom

Furiosa & Garfield 5.24.24

This week, Nell Minow The Movie Mom reviews the Mad Max movie ‘Furiosa’ and ‘Garfield’. Nell also reviews on IMAX for four day ‘The Blue Angels’ a documentary about

IF 5.17.24

This week, Nell Minow The Movie Movie Mom reviews ‘IF’, a  family movie about imaginary friends with Ryan Reynolds and an all-star cast. Nell also reviews ‘Back to Black’

Planet of the Apes 5.10.24                                           Nell’s Free book on Amazon This week,

The Fall Guy & Unfrosted 5.2.24

It’s a big week! Nell Minow The Movie Mom reviews ‘The Fall Guy’ with Ryan Gosling, Emily Blunt, and a TON of stunts.  ‘The Idea of You’ is a

Challengers 4.26.24

This week, Nell Minow reviews ‘Challengers’ in theaters. The movie is a love triangle in the world of pro tennis, with Zendaya Nell’s reviews fr om Streaming & DVD: