Nationally recognized critic, Nell Minow The Movie Mom reviews movies to give a parent’s eye on media, culture and values. She gives each movie a grade and a suggestion for what age group you can bring to the movie.  Nell’s website is

Movie Mom

Argylle 2.2.24

This week Nell Minow The Movie Mom reviews  ‘Argylle’, from the people behind the Kings Men movies.  That means wild stunts and provocative humor plus a cat!  Nell also

Underdoggs 1.26.24

This week Nell Minow The Movie Mom reviews ‘Underdoggs’ a very R-rated Snoop Dogg movie about an arrogant ex-football star who coaches a kids’ team.

ISS & Origin

A link to Nell Minow The Movie Mom’s website can be found here:

The Color Purple 12.29.23

This week, Nell Minow The Movie Mom reviews ‘The Color Purple’ and lets us know what’s ahead in 2024!

Migration & Iron Claw 12.22.23

This week, Nell Minow the Movie Mom reviews the animated film ‘Migration’, the wrestling film ‘Iron Claw’, the new ‘Aquaman’ movie and a romantic comedy called ‘Anyone But You’