The work on the road diet reconfiguration on Hart Street could start next week.
It was previously announced the project would begin this week, however, due to paving contractors schedules, the date was pushed back.
What’s known as a road diet would consist of converting the four lane undivided Hart Street from Veterans Drive to 15th street, to a three lane configuration.
There will be one travel lane in each direction and a two-way left turn lane along with bike lanes.
The changes are said to improve traffic flow and safety.
Currently with the four lanes, vehicles turning left have to stop in the fast lane and wait for two lanes of traffic to clear before turning.
There have been nearly 60 crashes on the road in the past four years with one with injuries just last month.
At Monday’s city council meeting city officials and council members discussed the change with a consensus that the reconfiguration is needed.
The work on the project will be done during night time hours and will include closures and will take a few days.