Hear interviews that air on weekdays at 8:35 a..m & 12:35 pm with members from our community!
Archived interviews are found below.

Community Connection Interviews


Vincennes University Alumni 6.18.2020

Savannah Linenburg informed our listeners of how potential students can complete a scholarship application online.  She encouraged all alumni to update their information online through the foundation.  There are

Vincennes YMCA 6.12.2020

Vincennes YMCA Marketing Director, Rebecca Richardville spoke with us about the new hours that will start on Monday at the YMCA.  Classes can now be booked on the Y’s

Red Skelton Museum 6.10.2020

Anne Pratt, the executive director of the Red Skelton Museum of American Comedy was our guest.  She said the museum will be re-opening on June 14th following the Governeror’s

KCARC 6.9.2020

Marketing Director, Cher Elliott spoke with us about activities at KCARC.  The Civitan center has been closed through the pandemic and had some extensive remodeling.  The center will be

Knox County Chamber of Commerce 6.4.2020

Jamie Neal from the Knox County Chamber of Commerce spoke about the annual awards dinner.  The dinner has been rescheduled to a virtual event to honor the recipients of