Nationally recognized critic, Nell Minow The Movie Mom reviews movies to give a parent’s eye on media, culture and values. She gives each movie a grade and a suggestion for what age group you can bring to the movie.  Nell’s website is

Movie Mom

Nell Minow the Movie Mom reviews Comic Con 2019

Lion King 7.18.19

Rebecca Clark talks with Nell Minow The Movie Mom about the new action Lion King!  Hear her review on this week’s podcast!

Stuber 7.10.19

What do we get after a family movie and a superhero movie?  An R rated comedy with a comic and a WWE star-Stuber with Kumal Nanjiani and Dave Bautista. 

Spider-man 7/3/19

This week Nell Minow The Movie Mom reviews Spider-man with Rebecca Clark.  SPOILER ALERT!!!!  You MUST SEE Avengers Endgame before seeing this movie!  You will be very disappointed if

Yesterday & Ophelia 6.26.19

This week Rebecca Clark and Nell Minow The Movie mom talk about the films, “Yesterday” and “Opehlia”. Nell also recommends a film for the family to prepare for the