Nationally recognized critic, Nell Minow The Movie Mom reviews movies to give a parent’s eye on media, culture and values. She gives each movie a grade and a suggestion for what age group you can bring to the movie. She is on with Rebecca Clark during the Blazer Morning Brew each Friday at 7:15 a.m. Nell’s website is

Movie Mom


Yesterday & Ophelia 6.26.19

This week Rebecca Clark and Nell Minow The Movie mom talk about the films, “Yesterday” and “Opehlia”. Nell also recommends a film for the family to prepare for the

Toy Story 6.19.19

This week Nell Minow The Movie Mom reviews Toy Story with Rebecca Clark.  Should you stay for the credits?  Nell will let you know in this week’s podcast!

Oscars Awards, Gretta, Ralph Breaks the Internet 2.28.19

This week, the Movie Mom and Rebecca Clark talk about the Oscars Awards. Ralph Breaks the Internet also gets brought up, mentioning a scene with all of the Disney

Oscars Predictions, How To Train Your Dragon 3 2.21.19

This week, Nell Minow the Movie Mom, discusses her predictions for the Oscars Awards and the newest How To Train Your Dragon movie, the Hidden World.

The Lego Movie 2, Isn’t It Romantic, Alita: Battle Angel 2.14.19

Once this episode with the Movie Mom, Nell Minow, and Rebecca Clark, The Lego Movie 2 is a big winner with the kids. They also talk about the Rebel