Nationally recognized critic, Nell Minow The Movie Mom reviews movies to give a parent’s eye on media, culture and values. She gives each movie a grade and a suggestion for what age group you can bring to the movie. She is on with Rebecca Clark during the Blazer Morning Brew each Friday at 7:15 a.m. Nell’s website is

Movie Mom


Ugly Dolls & Long Shot review with Nell Minnow The Movie Mom

This week, Rebecca Clark talks with Nell Minow The Movie Mom about Ugly Dolls and Long Shot.

Avengers-End Game 4/24/19

The Movie Mom, Nell Minow, will review “Avengers End Game”  No spoilers!  You don’t want to miss her review!  She also talks about “Destroyer” starring Nicole Kidman.

Movie Mom “Disney Nature’s Penguins” and “Breakthrough” 4/19/19

This week Nell Minow, The Movie Mom, reviews the Disney Nature film “Penguins”  She also reviews “Breakthrough”.  She gives each film a grade and age recommendations.

Movie Mom reviews ‘Missing Link’

This week Nell Minow, the movie mom reviews ‘Missing Link’, ‘Little’ and ‘Hellboy’.

‘Shazam!’, ‘Best of Enemies’, ‘Dumbo’ 4/4/19

This week, Nell reviews ‘Shazam’!,  ‘Best of Enemies’ and ‘Dumbo’.  She also reviews movies now on DVD: ‘If Beale Street Could Talk’,  ‘Aquaman’, and ‘Bumblebee’.  Finally, Nell gives a